On the East Coast of the U.S.A. today is: Sunday, February 23, 2025. And I hope all is well! Good Morning! This is an experimental website called www.RogerGilbertson.com - in continual transition. The World Wide Web - in concept - is blinking at the world's connected minds. The Web is a vulnerable, fragile medium: filled with uncertain content from a wide spectrum of us humans . . . thus subject to hazardous pressures - psychological, pragmatic, idealized, commercial. In the excitment of the pioneering WWW days I created a couple of other websites - If you'd like me to know something send an e-mail to: I've had half a century of computer-literacy and have an appreciation of the sweet and sour of communication to and from the unknown. The accommodation of the Web to an ever expanding legion
of users introduces many forces - some countervailing and
some leading into a new resultant direction.
Roger Gilbertson 202/483-3792 "Humankind does not live by Web alone." This site is |
Welcome! Thank you for your visit.
People arrive at a website one-at-a-time. Most of real life is one-on-one. Even on the Web there is a virtual sense of one-on-one: but no eye contact. Humans seem to like one-to-a-few communication: chat rooms. The Web also allows many-to-one and my reverse - one-to-many. The many-to-ones are the unknown folks who surf through websites with nary a ripple to mark their passage. I hope what I say here adds value to the typing and the clicking that got you to my site today!
Roger Gilbertson . . .
in 1998 I completed a career as
a 2-star Rear Admiral in the U.S. Naval Reserve. In 2001
I realigned from a second - parallel - career sponsoring and mentoring
basic research. Then I did a couple years of professional speaking.
I prefer "realign" - not retirement - because
for me it is refocusing energy.
Dave Yoho is a professional speaker's - Professional Speaker. What are you going to do with the rest of your live?
I need to finish some writing and then start professional speaking again.
You may have dropped in because you
have one of my bookmarks - the people I meet are
literate . . . so a bookmark persists longer
than a business card. It's nice that you followed up!
Keep in mind that I'm now going to be available
to make speeches and give seminars - usually around the Washington, DC
metro area . . . that's Washington, Baltimore, Northern
I can travel - if it makes sense for the audience and for
the speaker.
Bookmarks may find infinite life marking a place in a book.
My goal is to establish an identity among other like-minded humans -
the ancient heritage
of being together in gathering and hunting bands (GHBs).
Thanks for stopping by - and giving me this
transient forum of your precious time. I appreciate your attention -
your being here at all.
Your passage may be brief, elusive, and unmarked . . . Thanks for the mindspace!
If you are contending with continuous partial attention
and need to move on: I understand - "Have a Super Life!"
Still here?
Glad to have you!
I like thinking . . . Mind.
I like writing . . . Pen.
I like talking . . . Voice.
I do act when necessary . . . Do.
As you read on you will learn more about me and my
points-of-view . . . and also
that my communicaton style works well in speeches - and in seminars.
In the late 1990s I belonged to two superb professional groups - While I do need resources to participate
in civilization: I find that as my age cascades - money recedes as a
priority for me. I like giving speeches -
if there is a budget for it - that's fine. If not let's talk about it.
Over my 37 years as a Naval Officer I
used my mind, my "pen," and my voice to motivate
groups of people to act. My subjects ranged from the complexity
of super-high tech . . . to the abstract simplicity of patriotism. I
enjoyed talking to groups to help them do:
to change to what they felt and reasoned was better. Here are some capstone thoughts on cultural transitions.
Groups need to be motivated to change
the way they operate - their culture . . .
to answer these issues:
Send me an email now while your thoughts are fresh!
To: Which audiences can use what I have
to say? I try to talk to the right group, at the right time,
on the right topic - about
what I know. It's not about giving the speech it's
about getting the right audience.
Further on - How do we - together - custom-craft an
emotion-tinged - thought-provoked - experience that leaves all
of us better than when we started.
The techniques I use are right out of our
collective past - what I call "Primalization" -
the time before agriculture.
Who am I, anyway?
My quick-look - nutshell - credentials are:
Don't get spooked by all the
education! I'm really knowledge-happy - not credential-happy.
I am a confessed information junkie: a book addict.
I completed many of the programs - some for degrees -
and when I had learned what I needed from others . . . I moved on.
I want to know!
So don't jump to any stuffy conclusions about my style and
manner. Civilization has tried to tame me . . . and I've resisted.
Some primitive wildness - imagination - creativity - remains in me.
I was a "free-range" toddler . . .
still a "free-range" elder - still viewing the accelerating world
through the eyes of my childhood - and the mind of an elder.
A sabbatical from
doctoral work started in 1961 when I was target-recruited into the Navy -
went to Officers Candidate School -
and was commissioned as an Ensign . . . in
1988 I finished my doctorate.
A 27 year sabbatical!
A score and 7!
Rather than being damaged by what could be
consider over-education -
some might call it "educated incompetence" -
I feel more empowered than hindered.
I've sculpted my education from narrow specialization
toward broad generalization - whether in the costume of
formal education or the transparency of lessons-learned
experience. From engineering student in high school in 1950 to
action-philosopher and cultural-interpreter now.
Another metaphor would be from
thinking in the left brain to action from the whole brain -
with the right brain as a mosaic middle - centered - moderator.
I have lived a lifetime's worth of childlike curiosity. Over
my life cylce - since my 1936 birthyear - I have observed the world
with a mind that remembers.
The adventure of being alive and
being able to understand - and to do - to act -
is full of wonder!
If you have heard me speak you can probably imagine
me saying that - in your mind. Trust that little quiet-voiced
internal dialogue with the self. Self-talk is usually accurate.
You know it's flattery-free.
During most of my formal education
I worked at the same time -
I'm used to doing tasks in parallel: multi-tasking.
I am a multiple specialist with intersecting and cascading levels.
The American dream - the American system - has
changed a lot over the last
half century - in attitudes toward
higher education, toward experience, toward self-sufficiency. I have had a presence on the World Wide Web since the early days.
It puts ideas "out there" to be found - you were looking.
So your mind is behind the eyes reading this. Your inner voice
continues self-dialoguing about what you see and read.
It is possible to have a vast audience - or none - in the WWW World.
An attracted audience often depends on hype or spin.
If you found me through a search engine, that's great.
You probably had to dig deep - unless you already knew what
you were after.
I think of myself as an explorer who
makes cascading incrementally informed personal speculations
on many topics. I don't like labels - all of us have such complex
civilized lives - a simple classifying phrase seems inappropriate.
Yet I do like the ideas that sprout when I think of myself as:
Action-Philosopher and Cultural Interpreter.
In the "developed" world we each have a unique personal
micro-culture that is truly ours alone. Much of our time is
spent navigating among the micro-cultures of the comparitive
strangers we meet - every day.
As a speaker my primary task is to create a temporary
gathering hunting band - that can cheerfully adopt a
message worth knowing.
I am a self-defined generalist in a world of specialists-by-default.
Still I, too, have had specialties - in an economy that values
connoisseur performance of specialized tasks - that is
how we get the larger culture to pay us . . . for our survival.
Thankfully, I have adjusted by becoming a generalist through
So - A specialist skews toward the thinking tools
that fence the edges of that specialty.
Our human broad survival thinking skills can
shrink and atrophy through neglect -
in the specialty-inoculated mind - and become dormant.
I've spent a life-time trying to retain,
to maintain, and to hone my generalist skills.
My name, Roger Gilbertson, defines me as a
unique person. It is my "brand."
That is why in the early years of webmania I bought my name as
a domain - www.RogerGilbertson.com. That is where
you are here and
now . . . I suspect humans use their
own experiences, education, and thoughts to speculate on
themselves as metaphors for the entire human race.
That may be the authentic solid-core you.
For me - every human has the same, equal value
- infinite to the self.
People are fundamentally equal . . . Hierarchies try to change that equality - to classify us
in ways relative
to the values, the mission, the goals . . .
of an enfolding, extending, expanding organization - country - culture.
I have navigated well enough among the
many hierarchies of American culture
to be successful - self-defined.
I suspect each of us wants to be: The real - natural - difference between
any two of us humans is much less than the virtual - cultivated -
My study of the human race informs me
that the fundamental survival skill
is cooperation - sharing in most things . . .
crafted in slow-motion across million-year tectonic time.
Yet in modern
civilization we have done fast-motion change -
across 500 generations - 10,000 years - since we started agriculture -
of here-and-now decisions.
Today we
seem to value competition against
most strangers: rather than sharing with each other.
That may be a natural instinct - with surrounded by
so many strangers.
My instinctive personal response is to cooperate - yet
compete I do. The surrounding culture demands
thoughtful compromise - and principled negotiation -
to continue with simple survival.
Can I help you?
Prefered speech topic for now:
From Chief to Chief Executive Officer: Here is a chart that shows the number of days
I have lived - along the horizontal axis - and the years
when I lived them - shown on the
vertical axis. That's a lifetime from 1936
into the Third Millennium.
The benchmarks show a selected mosaic overview of
the ascending cascade of some events in my life.
Here is more biography.
![]() This is one of those old family photographs from my Mother's keepsake trunk. My sister, Beverly, discovered it looking through the things Mom left us. It shows Beverly and me in the early 1940s. I wore a sailor suit even then. I put on a real one in 1961 and retired in 1998 as a two-star Rear Admiral. Note the glint of mischief in those eyes - it's still there! If you click on the picture you'll see it in a bigger version. In a separate window. |
To contact me send an e-mail to:
Change the "(a)" to "@" and the "(dot)" to a "."!
I'm try to prevent spammers from
robo-harvesting my address.
Thanks for reading this far!
It's about a dozen scroll elevators down!
Mind manipulating web design would say
that's too many sub-basements . . .
it's not normal marketing either -
the freedom of elder independence.
Thanks for listening to my written voice!
Since you've gotten this far I may have struck
a responsive chord . . . consider sending
some feedback.
Ask about a speech or seminar!
I know. I know. It does take effort.
May you have a fulfilled life!
Now do you want to go
UP TO THE TOP or move on?
2/23/2025 9:43:11 AM
Copyright, Sunday, February 23, 2025
by Roger Gilbertson
(So what does copyright mean?
Ideas belong to everyone -
only their expression
might be a little different because of style.)